
animierte Kopfzeile

Animierte fixierte Menüleiste

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Kopfbereich HTML

<header> <section id="top-bar"> <div id="c-info">Kontakt@mg-otterson.de</div> <h1>animierte Kopfzeile</h1> </section> </header> <nav> <div id="burger-menu"> <div class="stripe"></div> <div class="stripe"></div> <div class="stripe"></div> </div> <ul><li><a>Seite 1</a> ....

Klassen, die inkludiert sein müssen:

.fixed { position:fixed; top:0px; left:0; width: 100%; } .smoothed-in { transition: top 1s; }
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Const breakingpointfixed = 630,// ----- Mobil-Breite body = document. Queryselector("body"), topbar = document. Queryselector("#top-bar"), // ----- Header-Selektor navigation = document. Queryselector("nav"), // ----- Navigations-Selektor mobilenavigationheight = "70px", // ----- Mobil-Höhe menuitems = document. Queryselectorall("nav > ul > li > a"),//----- Menü-Selektor Kindelemente scrollpaddingtop = "10px",// ----- Wenn die Kopfzeie einklappt das Padding scrollpaddingbottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; // ----- Fixiertes Menü Mobil ja/nein (true/false)
var topBarHeight, navHeight, offset, offsetFactor, startFix = false, isMobileNav = false; const breakingPointFixed = 630, body = document.querySelector("body"), topBar = document.querySelector("#top-bar"), navigation = document.querySelector("nav"), mobileNavigationHeight = "70px", menuItems = document.querySelectorAll("nav > ul > li > a"), scrollPaddingTop = "10px", scrollPaddingBottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; document.fonts.ready.then(function () { setAll(); }); function setFactor() { let navHeightSingle = menuItems[0].offsetHeight; if (navigation.offsetHeight > navHeightSingle) { let div = Math.floor(navigation.offsetHeight / navHeightSingle); offsetFactor = div; } else { offsetFactor = 1; } } function setAll() { navHeight = navigation.offsetHeight; topBarHeight = topBar.offsetHeight; setFactor(); let defaultPaddingTop = getComputedStyle(menuItems[0]).paddingTop; let defaultPaddingBottom = getComputedStyle(menuItems[0]).paddingBottom; offset = parseInt(defaultPaddingTop) + parseInt(defaultPaddingBottom) - parseInt(scrollPaddingTop) - parseInt(scrollPaddingBottom); navigation.style.cssText = "top:" + (navHeight * -1) + "px;margin-top:" + navHeight + "px;"; function setFixed() { navigation.classList.add("fixed"); navigation.classList.add("smoothed-in"); navigation.style.cssText = "top:" + (navHeight) + "px;margin-top:" + (navHeight * -1) + "px;"; body.style.paddingTop = navHeight + "px"; } function removeScrollPadding() { for (let menuItem of menuItems) { menuItem.style.padding = ""; } } window.addEventListener("scroll", function (event) { var scrollPos = window.scrollY; if (!isMobileNav) { if (!startFix) { startFix = true; return false; } if (scrollPos > topBarHeight + 1 * navHeight) { navigation.style.marginBottom = "0px"; for (let menuItem of menuItems) { menuItem.style.cssText = "padding-top:" + scrollPaddingTop + ";padding-bottom:" + scrollPaddingBottom + ";"; } setFixed(); } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight + offset * offsetFactor) { navigation.style.cssText = "top:0px;margin-top:0px;"; navigation.classList.remove("fixed"); navigation.classList.remove("smoothed-in"); body.style.paddingTop = "0px"; removeScrollPadding(); if (isMobileNav) { navigation.style.marginTop = "0px"; navHeight = navigation.offsetHeight; topBarHeight = topBar.offsetHeight; removeScrollPadding(); } } } else { if (scrollPos > topBarHeight && mobileFixed) { navigation.classList.add("fixed"); body.style.paddingTop = navHeight + "px"; } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight) { body.style.paddingTop = "0px"; navigation.classList.remove("fixed"); } } }); navigation.style.marginBottom = (-1 * navHeight) + "px"; if (window.innerWidth < breakingPointFixed) { setMobileNav(); } else { isMobileNav = false; } } function setMobileNav() { isMobileNav = true; navigation.classList.remove("fixed"); navigation.style.cssText = "top:0px;margin-top:0;height:" + mobileNavigationHeight + ";padding-top:" + mobileNavigationHeight + ";"; navigation.classList.remove("smoothed-in"); navHeight = navigation.offsetHeight; navigation.style.height = mobileNavigationHeight + "px"; } window.addEventListener("resize", () => { setFactor(); navHeight = navigation.offsetHeight; topBarHeight = topBar.offsetHeight; if (window.innerWidth < breakingPointFixed) { setMobileNav(); body.style.paddingTop = ""; navigation.style.marginBottom = ""; } else { navigation.style.paddingTop = ""; navigation.style.height = ""; isMobileNav = false; } });
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Const breakingpoint = 630,// ----- Mobil-Breite navigation = $("nav"),// ----- Navigations-Selektor topbar = $("#top-bar"),// ----- Header-Selektor mobilenavigationheight = "70px",// ----- Mobil-Höhe menuitems = $("nav > ul > li > a"),//----- Menü-Selektor Kindelemente scrollpaddingtop = "10px",// ----- Wenn die Kopfzeie einklappt das Padding scrollpaddingbottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; // ----- Fixiertes Menü Mobil ja/nein (true/false)
$(document).ready(function () { var topBarHeight, navHeight, offset, offsetFactor, startFix = false, isMobileNav = false; const breakingPoint = 630, navigation = $("nav"), topBar = $("#top-bar"), mobileNavigationHeight = "70px", menuItems = $("nav > ul > li > a"), scrollPaddingTop = "10px", scrollPaddingBottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; document.fonts.ready.then(function () { setAll(); }); function setFactor() { let navHeightSingle = menuItems.outerHeight(); if (navigation.height() > navHeightSingle) { let div = Math.floor(navigation.height() / navHeightSingle); offsetFactor = div; } else { offsetFactor = 1; } } function setAll() { navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); setFactor(); let defaultPaddingTop = menuItems.css("padding-top"); let defaultPaddingBottom = menuItems.css("padding-bottom"); offset = parseInt(defaultPaddingTop) + parseInt(defaultPaddingBottom) - parseInt(scrollPaddingTop) - parseInt(scrollPaddingBottom); navigation.css("top", navHeight * -1).css("margin-top", navHeight); function setFixed() { navigation.addClass("fixed smoothed-in").css({'top': navHeight, 'margin-top': navHeight * -1}); $("body").css("padding-top", navHeight); } function removeScrollPadding() { menuItems.css("padding", ""); } $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop(); if (!isMobileNav) { if (!startFix) { navigation.css("margin-bottom", ""); startFix = true; return false; } if (scrollPos > topBarHeight + 1 * navHeight) { navigation.css("margin-bottom", "0px"); menuItems.css({'padding-top': scrollPaddingTop, 'padding-bottom': scrollPaddingBottom}); setFixed(); } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight + offset * offsetFactor) { navigation.css({'top': "0", 'margin-top': '0'}).removeClass("fixed smoothed-in"); $("body").css("padding-top", ""); removeScrollPadding(); if (isMobileNav) { navigation.css("margin-top", "0"); navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); removeScrollPadding(); } } } else { if (scrollPos > topBarHeight && mobileFixed) { navigation.addClass("fixed"); $("body").css("paddingTop", navHeight); } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight) { $("body").css("paddingTop", "0px"); navigation.removeClass("fixed"); } } }); navigation.css("margin-bottom", -1 * navHeight); if ($(window).outerWidth() < breakingPoint) { setMobileNav(); } else { isMobileNav = false; } } function setMobileNav() { isMobileNav = true; navigation.removeClass("fixed"); navigation.css({'top': '0', 'margin-top': '0', 'height': mobileNavigationHeight, 'padding-top': mobileNavigationHeight}).removeClass("smoothed-in"); navHeight = navigation.outerHeight(); navigation.css("height", mobileNavigationHeight); } $(window).resize(function () { setFactor(); navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); if ($(window).outerWidth() < breakingPoint) { setMobileNav(); navigation.css("margin-bottom", ""); $("body").css("padding-top", ""); } else { navigation.css({'padding-top': '', 'height': ''}); isMobileNav = false; } }); });
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Wordpress jQuery

Funktioniert nicht bei jedem Theme.

Empfehle das Plugin Custom JS & CSS
Dort Script in den Footer einbinden.

Const breakingpoint = 768,// ----- Mobil-Breite navigation = $("#masthead"),// ----- Navigations-Selektor topbar = $("#custom-top-bar"),// ---- - Header-Selektor mobilenavigationheight = "auto",// ----- Mobil-Höhe menuitems = $("#masthead #primary-menu > li > a"),//----- Menü-Selektor Kindelemente scrollpaddingtop = "10px",// ----- Wenn die Kopfzeie einklappt das Padding scrollpaddingbottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; // ----- Fixiertes Menü Mobil ja / nein (true/false)
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var topBarHeight, navHeight, offset, offsetFactor, startFix = false, isMobileNav = false; const breakingPoint = 768, navigation = $("#masthead"), topBar = $("#custom-top-bar"), mobileNavigationHeight = "auto", menuItems = $("#masthead #primary-menu > li > a"), scrollPaddingTop = "10px", scrollPaddingBottom = "10px", mobileFixed = true; document.fonts.ready.then(function () { setAll(); }); function setFactor() { let navHeightSingle = menuItems.outerHeight(); if (navigation.height() > navHeightSingle) { let div = Math.floor(navigation.height() / navHeightSingle); offsetFactor = div * 1; } else { offsetFactor = 1; } } function setAll() { navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); setFactor(); let defaultPaddingTop = menuItems.css("padding-top"); let defaultPaddingBottom = menuItems.css("padding-bottom"); offset = parseInt(defaultPaddingTop) + parseInt(defaultPaddingBottom) - parseInt(scrollPaddingTop) - parseInt(scrollPaddingBottom); navigation.css("top", navHeight * -1).css("margin-top", "0"); function setFixed() { navigation.addClass("fixed smoothed-in").css({'top': navHeight, 'margin-top': navHeight * -1}); $("body").css("padding-top", navHeight); } function removeScrollPadding() { menuItems.css("padding", ""); } $(window).scroll(function () { var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop(); if (!isMobileNav) { if (!startFix) { startFix = true; return false; } if (scrollPos > topBarHeight + 1 * navHeight) { navigation.css("margin-bottom", "0px"); menuItems.css({'padding-top': scrollPaddingTop, 'padding-bottom': scrollPaddingBottom}); setFixed(); } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight + offset * offsetFactor) { navigation.css({'top': "0", 'margin-top':'0'}).removeClass("fixed smoothed-in"); $("body").css("padding-top", ""); removeScrollPadding(); if (isMobileNav) { navigation.css("margin-top", "0"); navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); removeScrollPadding(); } } } else { if (scrollPos > topBarHeight && mobileFixed) { navigation.addClass("fixed"); $("body").css("paddingTop", navHeight); } else if (scrollPos <= topBarHeight) { $("body").css("paddingTop", "0px"); navigation.removeClass("fixed"); } } }); navigation.css("margin-bottom", 0 * navHeight); if ($(window).outerWidth() < breakingPoint) { setMobileNav(); } else { isMobileNav = false; } } function setMobileNav() { isMobileNav = true; navigation.removeClass("fixed"); navigation.css({'top': '0', 'margin-top': '0', 'height': mobileNavigationHeight, 'padding-top': ''}).removeClass("smoothed-in"); navHeight = navigation.outerHeight(); navigation.css("height", mobileNavigationHeight); } $(window).resize(function () { setFactor(); navHeight = navigation.height(); topBarHeight = topBar.height(); if ($(window).outerWidth() < breakingPoint) { setMobileNav(); navigation.css("margin-bottom", ""); $("body").css("padding-top", ""); } else { navigation.css({'padding-top': '', 'height': ''}); isMobileNav = false; } }); })
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